little farm: new custom photo birthday invitations

each little ballon, cow, sheep, cloud, bird, etc is hadn drawn by me to match your farm party decor!!
available in my etsy store now!

featured client: amy westerman ~ photography logo design

i could just feel the excite in amy's emails when she shared her blog, so i thought i would share with you. there is something exciting when one finds their passion and what is even more amazing is the knowledge that that passion can become a career. good luck amy!

check amy out here:

this is a dare. . .

i dare you to look at this photo and just TRY to not smile

see. can't do it... neither can i.
i am blessed.

featured new logo / client

endear me.
sweet carla contacted me about a logo i had posted. she sent me some photos which were the inspiration in customizing my premade to HER own custom logo. you can see by the pictures below that her shoo will have lots of gorgeous handmade items. link to her shop is above, bookmark it, i am sure it will be open soon!

sneak peak

what i am working on now (in between the logos, my mind can never just do one thing) . . .

i am going to try and add some premade etsy shop sets. i know there are some sellers/store owners that may not have either have a need, a vision for what they want or a budget yet for a logo, but want something to liven up there shop. to have something that says "this shop rocks." to have a shop set (banner, avatar and "custom listing" graphics) that are not the regular clip art stuff out there, but more custom, more "etsyesque" (that is my new word, i am going to trademark it :)

so, my idea for the first set is some clothing. . . highlighted by a pillowcase style dress or two - if you have any ideas for me, jot 'em down!

talk to you all soon!