a few years ago, when i got "into" photography, i joined flickr. it is basically a photo sharing site, but so much more. through this site, i was able to learn so so much about photography, aperture, composition, shutterspeed.... actions, post-processing, cropping and so much more. however, the best thing i have taken away from my experience on flickr are my "contacts" my friends. these people inspire me daily, laugh with me and cry with me. it is through flickr that I came across sheye. she is a photographer in Australia and is a mom... a mom to 4, one of which is in heaven. today is the 3rd anniversary of the day a tragic accident took the life of her 3 year old daughter ava, aka "super princess." on flickr, is is tradition to post photos in memory of ava on this day of all things pink and mostly pink balloons. being as i am rarely prepared and would honestly be oh so sad to try and take a photo of a pink balloon, i drew one...
here is my tribute to miss Ava.

please take a moment to read Ava's memorial here
http://avarosemeyer.memory-of.com/About.aspxand to learn more about Ava's Rule here